Burn Obstacles Live Dreams
We got you covered from the moment you wake up from out of the bed; to the moment you get into your car to be on the road. We got you covered from your head; down to your toes.
Life Insurance & Funeral Expense
Protect both you and your family more than just providing funds when you’re needing to do a proper burial for a loved one. Use Life Insurance as an income replacement to protect the total income of your household.
Health & Supplemental Insurance
We all know that having great health goes a long way. Pay $0 a month based on income.
Dental & Vision Insurance
Taking great care of your dental and vision throughout the year, equals a great healthy lifestyle.
Auto & Home Insurance
Have a peace of mind from the moment you’re waking up out of your bed to the moment you’re walking out the door.
BOLD Financial Services
One Stop Finance & Insurance Company
Open 7 days a week
ONLY close on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
Our Numbers Speak Everything

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“We are here for you 7
days a week because
we care!”
At BOLD Financial, what makes us stand out compared to other finance and insurance companies is that we are open 7 days a week and even on MOST Federal Holidays!
Here's our working hours during some of Major USA Holidays:
- New Year’s Eve: 9A-5P est
- New Year’s Day: 9A-9P est
- Marther Luther King Day 9A-9P est
- Presidents’ Day: 9A-9P est
- Good Friday: 9A-9P est
- Easter: 9A-9P est
- Memorial Day: 9A-9P est
- Independence Day: 9A-9P est
- Labor Day: 9A-9P est
- Columbus Day: 9A-9P est
- Veteran Day: 9A-9P est
- The day before Thanksgiving: 9A-5P est
- Thanksgiving Day: CLOSE
- Christmas Eve: 9A-5P est
- Christmas Day: CLOSE