Burn Obstacles Live Dreams
Let us be your One Stop Shop to assist you with ALL of your personal and business needs!
Legal Assistance Services
Have access to an attorney when needed the most! With our AFFORDABLE monthly payment, you’ll be able to have guidance from an attorney and get the legal advice that is needed for your personal purposes; such as, traffic ticket, divorce, accidental situations and much more.
College Funding
Looking to start a college funding for your child or children? Do NOT wait until the last minute. The earlier you start saving for college, the better!
Debt Consolidation
We can CONSOLIDATE your DEBT and assist you on becoming debt FREE on an average of 1-4 years!
Home Alarm System
Have GREAT quality when it comes to an alarm system or cameras that will allow for you to be in control of what’s going on while you’re present or away from your home. Feel safe at the comfort of your home.
BOLD Financial Services
One Stop Finance & Insurance Company
Open 7 days a week
ONLY close on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
Our Numbers Speak Everything

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“We are here for you 7
days a week because
we care!”
At BOLD Financial, what makes us stand out compared to other finance and insurance companies is that we are open 7 days a week and even on MOST Federal Holidays!
Here's our working hours during some of Major USA Holidays:
- New Year’s Eve: 9A-5P est
- New Year’s Day: 9A-9P est
- Marther Luther King Day 9A-9P est
- Presidents’ Day: 9A-9P est
- Good Friday: 9A-9P est
- Easter: 9A-9P est
- Memorial Day: 9A-9P est
- Independence Day: 9A-9P est
- Labor Day: 9A-9P est
- Columbus Day: 9A-9P est
- Veteran Day: 9A-9P est
- The day before Thanksgiving: 9A-5P est
- Thanksgiving Day: CLOSE
- Christmas Eve: 9A-5P est
- Christmas Day: CLOSE